I hav thinking... day to day.... nite to nite... n then i've called to share wif u bout diz topic.... last 2 month ma fren n me got new fren from Turkey.... we shared evrythg including history of our country...... Surely, dey absolutely obsessed wif own country........... dey talk bout vienna, ottoman, Kemal Ataturk, Mehmet army n anythg else...I'm interested, when dey shared bout Kemal Ataturk.... fthermore, i wanna know more bout Kemal Ataturk. Poorly, dey dont know da truth.. n ma fren( yg agk2 psyco ) never heard diz name. She dnt know who is Kemal!!!! Now, i think mybe most of people out there don't know bout Kemal Ataturk too.
so we should EXPLORE.........TRULY!!!!
- Born as Mustafa Kemal Pasha. Al - Ghazi. n Ataturk( meaning Father of the Turks ).
- His father, named Ali Reda Afandi.
- Born in year 1299H (1880M) in Greece under "Khilafah Uthmaniah" government.
- H.S. Armstrong, Ataturk's assistant wrote in a book entitled al-Zi'bu al-Aghbar atau al-Hayah al- Khasah li taghiyyah :
'Sesungguhnya Ataturk adalah daripada keturunan Yahudi. nenek moyangnya adalah Yahudi yang berpindah dari Sepanyol ke bandar Salonika.' Golongan Yahudi ini dinamakan dengan Yahudi Daunamah yang terdiri daripada 600 buah keluarga. Mereka mendakwa memeluk Islam pada tahun 1095H (1683M), tetapi masih menganut agama Yahudi secara senyap-senyap. Ini diakui sendiri oleh bekas Presiden Israel, Yitzak Zifi, dalam bukunya Daunamah terbitan tahun 1377H (1957M). ( credit to http://www.jomlayan.com)
- His parents wanted him to have education in a trade, but without consulting them he took an entrance exam for a military junior high school in Salonika in 1893.
- In 1896, he enrolled into a military high school in the Ottoman city of Manastır.
- In 1899, he enrolled at the War College in Istanbul.
- In 1902 he graduated.
- In 11 January 1905, he later graduated from the War Academy.
- Change 'Assalamualakum' to 'Marhaban Bikum' (welcome).
- Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, Mustafa Kemal led the Turkish national movement in what would become known as the Turkish War of Independence.
- 1st President of Turkey.
- The principles of Atatürk's reforms, which modern Turkey was established on, are referred to as Kemalism.
- What make me remember Kemal Ataturk is he transform 'azan' in Turkey. how could him.......
- Lastly, when he died, da land never accept him... to be his buried!
datz long tym ago, but now.. dey azan in arabic.....
u will get a lot of information from http://unitemuslims.blogspot.com/....
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
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